More wagons, more problems

Garden maintenance has not been a priority recently, but my housemate and her dad have taken up the track, laid down some concrete, and are in the process of fixing up the main loop.

I also purchased some second hand Hornby wagons - one is a barrel wagon, sans barrels, and the other is nothing more than a flat bed on a set of bogeys. The fantasy is one wagon carries chocolate mini-rolls and the flat-bed gets modified to hold a small, light cup of tea…

Alternatively, it could carry sushi - as is traditional.

Here are some work in progress photos!

A model engine with coal wagon, barrel wagon, flat-bed wagon and coal wagon, on a small garden track.

Locomotive and three wagons (plus coal wagon) with the pink flowering currant in the background.

Model locomotives and wagons, clockwork being wound by a person in a dressing gown, only hands and arms visible in shot.

Housemate winds the locomotive, with spring flowers in the background.